The Toast

The Toast

To give you experience proposing a formal toast such as at a wedding or other occasion.

When preparing
Construct it like a mini speech, with an opening, body and conclusion.
Select an appropriate person or cause for your toast, remembering that it is not usual to toast things. Remember to give a concise proposal as to why the cause deserves to be toasted.
As with all assignments, prepare and rehearse to ensure correct timing.

Before the meeting begins
Check with the Sergeant at Arms that there are sufficient glasses and available water and/or refreshments for all attendees at the meeting.
Ask people to ensure they have something in their glass, avoiding hackneyed clichés like ‘charge your glasses’. Pause while people attend to this.

What to do during your assignment
Put your glass down on a table nearby. Give your address with your hands free. You will also avoid the risk of dampening the people sitting near you in a moment of enthusiasm.

As you near the end of your address, pick up your glass and ask people to rise, avoiding hackneyed clichés like ‘be upstanding’. Rather say something like “please take your glasses and stand with me …..”

State the object of your toast in no more than 5 words.

Allow people to repeat the toast. This is why it is important to be succinct.

Lead the audience in taking a small sip from your glass.

Allow time for people to take a drink and then conclude with “Please be seated”. Hand back to Chairman.

That is the end of your assignment. You will be evaluated by the General Evaluator

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