Glenbrook Toastmasters Club (Club No. 7886)
Established in September 1990, Glenbrook Toastmasters is a successful, dynamic and friendly club. The club meets twice a month at Glenbrook. It is one of the premier toastmaster clubs in the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney.
We have more than 20 members to help you learn, grow and achieve your goal of being a better speaker.
Our club has been awarded President’s Distinguished Club status nine years. This is the highest level of recognition available. The Club is on track to repeat this again next year.
The club was awarded Select Distinguished Club seven years and Distinguished Club five years.
Since its formation, Glenbrook Toastmasters has provided support for members to achieve their educational goals to become better speakers and leaders. Have a look at the educational awards members have achieved between 2003 and 2022.
Other membership programme awards we have achieved include:
- Beat the Clock Award, for adding five members during May/June in 2005, 2006, 2013 and 2016.
- Talk Up Toastmasters Award, for adding five members during February/March in 2012, 2013 and 2014.
- The Smedley Award, for adding five members in August/September 2012 and 2014.
We provide one of the best forums available for you to improve your public speaking and communication skills. You will “learn by doing” in a mutually supportive and positive learning environment. All our meetings have a diverse programme and everyone volunteers to take on a variety of assignments at different times. It is a lot of fun and plenty of support and encouragement from club members.
There are no social distinctions in Toastmasters – age, background, beliefs – all are warmly welcome. We’re all there to help one another improve: from people in their first job; on the exective ladder; retirees; volunteer workers; those in promotion or tertiary study; experienced or inexperienced speakers – there is room for everyone and we warmly welcome visitors and new members.